Why Meaning Is More Important Than Ever: Finding Purpose Podcast 💜


Can we all agree that we’re living through intense times? 💥 How do we navigate natural disasters, political unrest or other forms of sudden unexpected upheaval without falling into despair and victim consciousness or hardening our hearts to protect ourselves?

In times of chaos, people naturally seek meaning. Historically, the demands of survival often overshadowed the pursuit of deeper purpose. Today, with more individuals having their basic needs met, we are simultaneously inundated with constant updates on global crises. When not distracted by social media or immersed in pop culture, the persistent question, Why am I here?, inevitably rises to the surface.

Purpose is like your trusted anchor in the storm, keeping you steady when the waves 🌊 of change and uncertainty hit. It’s the reason you roll out of bed in the morning and the reason you dust yourself off after life knocks you down for the 37th time. No crystal ball or zodiac chart is needed to see that this year is shaping up to be anything but calm or boring. (But hey, if you’re in the market for a great psychic or astrologer, I’ve got some top-notch recommendations!)

In this discussion with Christine Walker, host of the Finding Purpose podcast, we explore the transformative power of discovering your purpose and how Life Between Life Regression can play a pivotal role int that journey. Watch the full conversation here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VnVF-6XBBVk

If you’re ready to discover your soul’s purpose, I’m here to help. Schedule a discovery call with me - you’re here for a reason. 💫