Can we all agree that we’re living through intense times? 💥 How do we navigate natural disasters, political unrest or other forms of sudden unexpected upheaval without falling into despair and victim consciousness or hardening our hearts to protect ourselves?
In times of chaos, people naturally seek meaning. Historically, the demands of survival often overshadowed the pursuit of deeper purpose. Today, with more individuals having their basic needs met, we are simultaneously inundated with constant updates on global crises. When not distracted by social media or immersed in pop culture, the persistent question, Why am I here?, inevitably rises to the surface.
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The path to your soul purpose is not a straight line. I’m fortunate to have many friends who also work in the spiritual field: astrologers, psychics, alternative healers, tarot card readers and more. None of them started out in their profession. It’s not always taken seriously and rarely discussed as a career option. I have yet to meet a child who says, “When I grow up, I want to be a hypnotherapist!” Who knows, maybe one day…..For now, most people are a little perplexed about what I do and how it works. They always want to know, “How did you come to do your unique profession?”
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One of life’s big mysteries is, What happens when we die? Years ago, I could barely contain my enthusiasm when I first read “Journey of Souls” by Michael Newton. I was shocked to discover a process that solved this enigma, along with other biggies like, Who am I? and What is my life purpose? This process, called Life Between Lives Regression or LBL, fascinated me to the point that I got certified so I could help people to uncover their own answers. In a recent podcast interview with Tanya Tyler on Open the Eye 👁️ Podcast, we discussed Life Between Lives Regression
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What happens when we die? This is the eternal burning question that has pushed people to extreme measures like going on vision quests, taking psychedelics, seeking out psychics and shamans, reading countless books, learning meditation AND/or experiencing a Life Between Lives Regression. In this excerpt, part one from an interview with Kim and Theresa York on the Holistically Curious 💟 podcast, we discuss how Life Between Lives Regression, much like a Near Death Experience, can answer this compelling question, giving us the experience of death and of the Spirit realm beyond.
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