As a Past Life Regression practitioner, I’ve heard countless times, “Why look back? The past is done and you can’t change it.” Sure, the past is irreversible, but wisdom comes through reflecting on your experiences. I believe that’s the whole point of being human: you choose to incarnate to learn through trial and error. The choices you made and actions you took this year led to outcomes - some thrilling and others regrettable. However, you needed to try it out to see what would happen. Congratulations! From my perspective, success in life is simply learning from your experiences.
“The only real mistake is one from which we learn nothing.” - Henry Ford
As the new year approaches, make sure you’re not rushing ahead to escape the past. While past events are over, the energy (emotions and lessons) may still be unresolved and carried with you. My perspective is that I want to complete all my “coursework” each year so that I can graduate to what’s next. There’s no skipping ahead and I have no interest in repeating this grade, thank you very much!
Everything is energy. The energy within you is a magnet that draws people and experiences of the same vibration to you (and vice versa). For example, if you have unhealed anger and bitterness from a situation earlier this year, you’ll continue to experience circumstances that activate those heavy emotions until they’re worked through and cleared. So why not spend a few moments to look back and work through the challenges of 2024, while also celebrating your wins?
Here’s some reflection questions you can ask yourself to help you process and integrate your 2024 experiences:
What were your most significant accomplishments this year?
What challenges did you face and how did you overcome them?
What moments brought you the most joy or fulfillment?
What were the key lessons of 2024 and will you carry them into the new year?
What are you most grateful for this year?
For me, 2024 was a year of hard work and discipline, but also highly supportive in community. Sharon Hudson and I created the 6 month Cosmic Mastermind group (we still have a couple spots for our 2025 group.) Then I spent months creating my 12 week spiritual mentorship program, Unlock Your Soul Purpose & Shine Your Light. This year felt heavy at times (no galavanting in other countries), but ultimately rewarding because everyone got so much out of these groups. It’s so fulfilling to encourage one another and move forward together. Spirit has been guiding me to work more with groups as we shift into the Aquarian Age, creating structures that allow for more mutual support and connection on our spiritual path.
After you process and integrate 2024, you can begin looking ahead to the new year on the horizon. The energies of 2025 are signaling powerful transformation both collectively and individually. What do you want to create, develop or expand in 2025 and who do you want to do it with? Who are you becoming? What are you here to share with the world? As always, I’m here to support you in whatever way that I can on your spiritual journey. 💜
I’m so grateful to be connected with you. You are a beautiful soul who’s here to be your higher self on the planet. Thanks for shining your light. 🌟 I look forward to greater spiritual unfoldment in 2025!