Perhaps like me, you’re on a path of self development. You want to deeply understand who you are and why you chose to come here onto this crazy planet in this crazy time. On this journey of self awareness, you’ve discovered there are many systems that give you a piece of that knowledge and help take you to the next step. The Soul Plan Reading is one of those systems.
“Why are you here? What’s your life purpose? How can you overcome your life’s challenges? What gifts do you possess to help you to fulfill your soul destiny?”
I’m not even sure how I first came across the Soul Plan system. Somehow I was led to the book “Soul Plan” by Blue Marsden. It really resonated with me, although I didn’t fully understand how it worked. I went to his website and Bam, next thing I know, I’ve signed up for the training. But that’s how I work, I’ve learned to listen to that still small voice within that guides me. It’s guided me well and I trust it.
Here is the description from the Holistic Healing College, where I was trained:
“The Soul Plan Reading has its roots in the ancient text, the Sefer Yetzirah. In the second half of the last century, the Star of Creation Gematria Method was channeled by the visionary Frank Alper (author of "Discovering Atlantis") and forms the foundation of this work. In this present format, Blue Marsden, founder of the Holistic Healing College, has expanded on the original, adding new interpretations, affirmations, elements of numerology and additional channeled material.
Although up to this point, this work is little known, it's believed that the core information and system has returned to the planet at this time to help in the energetic transmission many are experiencing. It is hoped that many more people will now have their Soul Plan activated, become aligned with their Soul Purpose and gain a greater sense of beingness and life satisfaction.
A Soul Plan Reading can clear many redundant issues, trauma patterning and limiting beliefs. Through the universal law of grace, there are many old patterns we can let go of at this time. “
The Soul Plan Reading is derived from the Sound Vibration of your original name. This produces a set of frequencies, which are placed around the Star of Creation (image above) in various positions. Each point has a special significance, representing challenges, talents and goals in two areas, Worldly and Spiritual.
The downward triangle relates to the physical/worldly existence, usually predominant in approximately the first 35 years of life. The upward triangle relates to the spiritual aspect of life, which we tend to access around or after 35 years old.
The solution to facing your challenges and obtaining your goals is inherent in your plan: Apply your talents to overcome your challenges and reach your goals.
The Soul Plan Reading is a 75 minute session together, (done via Zoom) but I also spend 60 minutes on my own beforehand preparing your chart.
You’ll receive a copy of your Soul Plan Chart. We’ll go over each section together, beginning with the Worldly sections of challenges, talents and goals and then the Spiritual sections. You’ll learn how to utilize these pieces together to overcome blocks and attain fulfillment.
Finally, you will learn your Soul Destiny. All of this information will fit together to help you understand what you’ve been struggling with, recognize your natural talents and provide a map for achieving your life purpose. You’ll have the clarity to move forward to fulfill your highest potential in this life. Afterward, you’ll receive a video recording of our session so that you can watch it whenever you’d like.
Go here to learn more about a Soul Plan Reading or to schedule a session:
Map out your Soul Purpose so you can Shine Your Light 💖 with your Soul Purpose Blueprint. Want your free plan? Book a clarity call HERE.
“My soul plan reading was truly one of the most therapeutic and eye-opening experiences of my life. Everything was so accurate, it was almost comical, in a good way. It opened so many learning doors and it expanded my growth tenfold.”
“If you feel like you need a little nudge to put you on the path to expand your personal growth, this is the book for you!! The author shares her own path of spiritual awakening with a lot of basic steps anyone can take in order to work on their own spiritual journey. You will read it and feel inspired to make little changes that could lead to big changes within.” - K. Thompson
“Tianna is a phenomenal soul sister to guide you on your soul-awakening path. In this book, she highlights tools that are key in supporting your spiritual development. I recommend this book to anyone starting their journey but also to those of us who have been walking for a long time; it is a lovely reminder that we are all connected on this path.” - Nikki