What is a Soul Plan Reading?
A Soul Plan is a new interpretation of an ancient system of life purpose analysis based on the sound vibration of your birth name. This method has evolved from ancient texts such as the Sefer Yetzirah, which explores reality creation through sound, letter and word. It’s been expanded upon through channeled material from Dr. Frank Alper and Blue Marsden.
We are all yearning to fulfill our soul’s purpose, yet it can feel just beyond our grasp. The Soul Plan Reading will provide a clearer picture of your life and show you the tools you possess to fulfill your soul destiny.
What is your life purpose?
How can you overcome your greatest challenges?
What are your unique gifts?
What is your highest potential?
Your Soul Plan reveals the specific challenges, talents and goals that affect you in this lifetime, both worldly and spiritually. Armed with this information, you become empowered to make decisions and take action that is aligned to your soul’s unique plan for this life.
“My soul plan reading was truly one of the most therapeutic and eye-opening experiences of my life. Everything was so accurate, it was almost comical, in a good way. It opened so many learning doors and it expanded my growth tenfold.”
What to Expect In a Soul Plan Reading
The Soul Plan Reading is a 75 minute virtual session together over Zoom, but I also spend 60 minutes on my own beforehand preparing your chart.
“Receiving a soul plan reading from Tianna validated and clarified patterns and challenges I’d been experiencing my entire life that was delivered with kindness and equally practical with corresponding suggestions on how to heal.”
“My soul plan reading was so insightful and resonated with me. I was surprised how accurate it was. Tianna explained it to me so it was understandable. It gave me tangible direction to move forward in my life.”
You’ll receive a digital copy of your Soul Plan Chart and also a video recording of your reading the day after the session. We’ll go over each section together, beginning with the Worldly sections of challenges, talents and goals and then the Spiritual sections. You’ll learn how to apply your Talents to overcome your Challenges and reach your Goals.
Finally, you will learn your Soul Destiny. All of this information will fit together to help you understand what you’ve been struggling with, recognize your natural talents and provide a map for achieving your life purpose. You’ll have the clarity to move forward to fulfill your highest potential in this life.
The fee for a Soul Plan Reading is $195.
Contact us with further questions or schedule a Soul Plan Reading below.
“Tianna’s Soul Plan reading was amazing. I was able to see where I was in life and where I wanted to go for the future. I learned more about myself than I would have figured out in this lifetime.”
“The information that Tianna provided to me during the Soul Plan Reading was extraordinary. I have referred back to that reading many times since then and each time I do, I am amazed at the relevance and quality of the information in that reading. ”