Exciting News 💥 to Unlock Your Soul Purpose


How are you handling all the big shifts of 2024? The summer just flew by and I have some exciting news!

I’m thrilled to share about my new spiritual mentorship program, Unlock Your Soul Purpose & Shine Your Light. ✨💙 Ever since the powerful April eclipse, Spirit has been guiding me to create a way to support other Lightworkers to step into your purpose and live your soul destiny. Not only do you deserve to a fulfilling life doing meaningful, soul-aligned work, but the world also needs each of us to embody our Higher Self & radiate love & light for the Collective shift. Spirit has been pushing me that part of my purpose is to help you step into your purpose.

It was a scary and uncomfortable journey for me to leave a stressful corporate job only to find myself working minimum wage before finally become my own boss, doing inspiring work with beautiful souls like you. I get all the fears and doubts that come up along the way. I really wished I’d known someone back then who’d been through what I was struggling with and had successfully made it to the other side of that. I know your path won’t look exactly like mine, but I have the resources and experience to give you hands on support. Plus, Spirit has helped me to create some new ways (shortcuts or integrations of other tools) to make it easier to decode your Soul Map.

🌟 Some of the highlights from my 12 week small group Unlock Your Soul Purpose mentorship:

  • Quantum Soul Alignment to raise your vibration to your higher self & tools for quick, easy spiritual guidance.

  • Soul Code Mapping: using a mix of spiritual systems & your own intuitive guidance to pinpoint your soul’s purpose.

  • Empowered Future Blueprint: creating your Soul Purpose Blueprint, a tangible plan with actionable steps to fulfill your soul mission.

There are only a few spots available at my special BETA pricing. The BETA program is a win/win, because your valuable feedback will help make the program really great while you benefit from a much lower price.

If you’re feeling the pull (a nudge from your higher self), you can schedule a discovery call with me to see if it’s a right fit. No pressure. I know there are certain souls who are meant to work with me and that’s not everyone. I’m excited to work with those of you who are ready to fully activate your Soul Purpose. 💖