Calling All Lightworkers!🌻Let’s Connect


Let’s connect, using the power of group energy to amplify our individual positive intentions & those for the highest good of the Collective! ✨Join me this Wednesday 8/14 from7 to 8 pm Central time for a group meditation on Zoom. We’ll be listening to the first meditation in the Becoming a World Server series from Sanaya Roman/Orin. Click here to sign up.

This 1st meditation is called The Awakening: What Am I Here to Do? Even if you feel (like I do) that you know why you’re here and you’re following your path, this meditation can help you refine your purpose, gain spiritual support from the Masters and even shift into the next level of living your soul destiny. Since that powerful solar eclipse 🌞 we had in April, Spirit has been guiding me to move into the next phase of my spiritual mission - to support Lightworkers to step into their purpose. It’s time for us to help positively shift the energy on Earth. If you are seeking guidance/mentorship to unlock your soul purpose, book a Discovery Call with me.

If you want to be a part of a Lightworker Community, join our Awakening Lightworkers Facebook group here. Hope to see you there!