Ever feel alone or unsupported as a Spiritual Solopreneur? Being an entrepreneur is a lot of work and can feel overwhelming on your own. Or maybe you’re doing well with it, but you’re just ready to take your business to the next level.
As we kick off this Aquarian Age, we’re releasing old, outworn templates of Competition and Overwork. We’re moving into a time of Collaboration, Co-Creation and Win/Win Approaches for Success. By sharing our wisdom, energy and support with each other, we create Synergy and achieve more with less effort while enjoying ourselves!
My friend and fellow business owner, Sharon Hudson and I are excited to offer this Cosmic ⚡️Mastermind group to support you in 2024! Are you wondering, What exactly is a Mastermind Group? Napoleon Hill formally introduced the concept of Mastermind Groups in his 1937 book, “Think and Grow Rich.” A mastermind group is a peer-to-peer mentoring group used to help members solve their problems with input and advice from the other group members. Everyone can learn and benefit from the group's collective wisdom, resources and network.
Our Cosmic ⚡️Mastermind group is a unique take on it. We are cultivating a balanced group energetically and spiritually, broadly taking into account Human Design and Astrology. Watch the video to hear Sharon and I describe the value and benefits of joining this new exciting venture!
The Cosmic ⚡️Mastermind Group is for you if:
You own a business and are ready to take it to the next level ✔️
You look to astrology and/or human design for assistance in life planning ✔️
You’re open to learning from other entrepreneurs ✔️
You’re willing to share advice and resources with other members ✔️
You are ready to make a bigger impact on the world ✔️
Get more details on the Cosmic Mastermind Group here!
WHEN: January - June 2024 on the 2nd & 4th Wed each month @7-8:30 pm US Central time (12 sessions total -1/11, 1/25, 2/8,2/22, 3/14,3/28, 4/11, 4/25, 5/9, 5/23, 6/13, 6/27) WHERE: Online via Zoom FEE: $100 paid monthly or $495 paid up front in full
💙 NEXT STEP: Fill out the application here. Application deadline: 12/22/23.